Let the pictures speak for themselves. For more, go to: http://www.flickr.com/photos/79017140@N08/sets/72157638675490533/
Where mentioned, tree pictures were inspired by Cogdog’s amazing photography on Flickr available: http://www.flickr.com/photos/cogdog/ (CC BY).
Even better, have fun making your own! Just crop an image at an interesting point, copy, transform vertically or horizontally, et voila.
3 replies on “My year in trees and clouds”
[…] You know who gets it? The class is over, yet Vivien Rolfe is exploring cropping and reflecting images of trees […]
The Grand Canyon Tree Man tells me to do things and I always listen. 🙂
Fun idea. I’m going to have to play with that some.
Watch it – you’ll be there for hours playing because once you start it is quite mesmerising!!