The dinner of champions, representing a smorgasborg of veggie delights. This page is a bit like that.
Want to get started in open education?
GoOpen Project
Rustled up by Catherine Cronin and myself, we hope to help new people into open education with this ‘getting started’ resource. It refreshes the links to the Jisc OER Infokit and other sector materials that have got a bit bogged own in the passing of time. It brings together materials to help more accomplished open educators review their pedagogy and to stretch their practice. Go on. Go Open!
YouTube channels
All of our interactive animations are also published as video – for those with mobile phones who won’t be able to play them.
Viv talking about open educational resources to the Queen 🙂
Biology Courses YouTube channel
Go to my Soundcloud page
All sorts of things from adverts, MOOC homework, contributions from my dog and an entire radio show!
Go to Slideshare
Search “viv rolfe” and “vivien rolfe”
If you can tolerate all the dreadful adverts, I put most of my presentations on Slideshare – stuff about using Turnitin, Search Engine Optimisation, OER and talks to PGCert groups and conferences.